Saturday, September 24, 2011

Korean Baseball is the Real Deal

Last night we went with a group of friends to our first ever Samsung Lions baseball game in downtown Daegu. The Lions represent the province of Daegu in an 8-team Korean major league.

Needless to say, baseball games in South Korea are an incredible experience in and of themselves for several incredible reasons:

1) Tickets are dirt cheap! We paid 7,000 won per person (which is approximately $7) to get in. Cheapest baseball game I've ever gone to.

2) Seats are on a first come, first serve basis. This is something we didn't know this past outing but something we will definitely take advantage of in future baseball outings. 

3) Food and beer is cheap! It's literally chump change to have a classic baseball meal during the game. For a delicious hot dog, a huge bag of Sun Chips, and a can of beer, I paid 6,000 won ($6 in American money!!!) It's absolutely absurd how cheap this outing was...especially for how much fun we had!

4) There is non-stop fan participation/entertainment. During the entire game, there was literally a guy (who played the role of a Korean Ryan Seacrest) basically doing different chants and songs to get the crowd pumped up and into the game. They have cheerleaders and dance teams and mascots that rival the ones in the MLB. It's literally a tecno dance party combined with good ol' fashion baseball!!

5) The Samsung Lions are INCREDIBLE! Currently in first place, we were fortunate to watch the Lions play one of the last 3 games of the regular season and pound their opponents 10-0. 

All in all, this is an experience I would take way more advantage of in the 2012 season this upcoming summer. 

To all my fellow Clevelanders, I also found out that Ryan Garko (who played for the Indians in the mid-2000's) was recently cut from the Samsung Lions. What a fall from grace!

If you enjoy baseball, this is a must-do outing!!!

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